学生 Life

What's Happening?

What's Happening?


How can you find out what is happening on campus at Lindenwood?

There are a variety of ways to find out about campus events and activities:



涉及到你 is your one-stop shop for finding and joining organizations and also finding out what’s going on around campus!


Lindenwood University Website

Lindenwood University Website

The Lindenwood University website provides a comprehensive calendar that includes event information from 涉及到你, NCAA体育, 学生 Life Sports, J. Scheidegger Center for the Arts, Film Series, and more. It can be accessed from the website's main menu option 'About' and by then clicking '事件'.


Weekly Roar

Weekly Roar

The Weekly Roar is an email sent to each student’s Lindenwood email account every Sunday evening (during the academic year) and contains the week’s main events, upcoming events, campus announcements, and much more.

学生 涉及ment Social Media

学生 涉及ment Social Media

To find out about what’s going on around campus, follow us on 脸谱网 and Instagram at @LU学生涉及ment

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